We all know how much I love in-home newborn lifestyle sessions, but you add that with a beautiful adoption story and I am in my happy place. Adoption holds a special place in my heart since I was adopted and I hope to move towards photographing more adoptions in this coming year. Stay tuned, there are a lot of exciting things coming soon!
When I met with Beth before the session she was so open and sweet to share her and her husband, Carl’s heart for adoption. Carl was adopted and when they got together he made it very clear he wanted to adopt children someday. Due to various adoption agency rules, they were able to officially begin their journey two years after they were married. Adoption is not for the faint of heart, it is a journey full of paperwork and a lot of hurry up and wait. Two years later, Beth and Carl were selected and about six weeks after they were at the hospital ready to take their new baby girl home!